Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Way back in the fall I created a Pinterest account thinking that it would be a great distraction from class. For about a month I tried to avert my attention to Pinterest but I was not catching on. I could not understand what was so fascinating about it. 

About a week ago Worker Mom decided that she wanted to join Pinterest. Using my lackluster knowledge, I helped her to create an account and get started. All of the sudden, I understood. 

I'm addicted. I have been pinning nonstop since Worker Mom created her account. I've been pinning everything. Adorable puppies, must-buy-clothes, and cute shoes. I even got an early start on a birthday list ;) You can view and follow my Pinterest boards here.

What do y'all think about Pinterest? Are you as addicted as I am?

Don't forget to smile today, xx

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