Monday, June 18, 2012

Summer Changes and Goals

Being on vacation from school during the summer makes for a great time to do things that you cannot usually find the time to do. It is the perfect time to reinvent yourself in ways you've been thinking about, no matter how big or small the change is.

Yesterday, my family sat down together to discus our goals for the summer. It was really helpful to get my thoughts on track. 

Starting today I am only eating raw food for hopefully the next three weeks. We'll see if I can actually do it. During the school year I fall into horrible eating patterns, eating food that I know I should avoid and eating at all hours of the night. Since I've been home for the summer, I keep telling myself that I'm going to be healthier but it is to no avail. I still find myself eating the same junk (if not worse) and staying up eating late into the night. I'm hoping that by giving myself a definitive goal, I'll be able to stay motivated and stick with it.

Another change that I'm hoping to make is to stop buying clothes that I definitely do not need. My beau likes to joke around and tell me that my thought process when I see something cute is: "it's so cute!...I must buy it!" Although he is only teasing me when he says this, I'm starting to think it's partially true... I need to stop spending my money on cute clothes! 

What are y'all going to be working on this summer? Have you sat down and set goals for yourself?

Don't forget to smile today, xx

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