Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Life Happening

So it would seem that I haven't posted since July 14th. Oops. I've been crazy busy finishing work at my internship, celebrating my birthday and preparing for my best friend's wedding on Saturday (aka writing a toast aka trying to deal with my writers block). 

Sunday was my 20th birthday - I cannot believe that I am no longer a teenager! It was a great day filled with lots of fun, yummy food and awesome gifts :) In the morning I went to the beach with the Beau and his family, then in the evening I celebrated with my family. Dinner was at The Melting Pot (sooooo good!) I cannot remember the last time I ate that much! Today is my dad's birthday so we get to celebrate some more!

Thursday morning I am off to South Carolina to get ready for the wedding! I am soo excited! Mostly for the wedding but also for a relaxing week at the beach after :) There is so much to be done before Saturday, though, including packing... and I hate packing. 

Don't forget to smile today, xx

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